New zealand population by religion. 3% of the population identifying as Christian.
New zealand population by religion The non Christian population includes Islam (12,516), Hindus (24,690), Buddhists (52,392) and supporters of Paganism and such religions. It is also one of the fastest-growing religions in the country. They show the number of people who associate themselves with each religious group or denomination. Religious affiliation is the self-identified association of a person with a religion, denomination, or sub-denominational religious group. As of 1 January 2025, the population of New Zealand was estimated to be 4,977,421 people. net Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. According to 2018 census data, of those responding to the question regarding religious affiliation, 10. This shows how much people don't have a religion or changed religions. The main Christian denominations are Anglican , Presbyterian , Roman Catholic , and Methodist . Find topic tables from the latest 2023 Census releases contains the tables in this release and details about them. 3% over the 2006 census. The introduction of Christianity in New Zealand dates back to 1814 when Samuel Marsden conducted his first service on Christmas Day. The purpose of this research is Key: nfd = not further defined; nec = not elsewhere classifiable; nei = not elsewhere included Notes: • Raw data (the numbers of respondents in each category only) were provided by Statistics New Zealand and publicly released on Monday 23 September 2019. [60] In the 2018 New Zealand Census , 5,274 identified as having a Jewish religion, and in the 2023 New Zealand Census this had increased by 264 to 5,538 people identifying as Jewish. While there is no established religion, Christianity has been the most common religion in New Zealand since European settlement in the 19th century. 452 million; WELLINGTON (capital) 410,000 Mar 21, 2014 · The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings has been collecting data on religious affiliation since the early 20th century and their data corroborates that while the vast majority of New Zealanders were affiliated with Christianity early on, that trend changed and over the past few decades, there has been a steady and significant decline Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand. From then on, missionaries from different denominations arrived in New Zealand and established their churches. The capital city is Wellington and the largest urban area Auckland. Less than half of New Zealand proclaim to be Christian. 3% in 2023. The Muslim community in RELIGION IN NEW ZEALAND Sometimes the original patterns of migration are still visible in the propor-tional distribution of denominations. Nov 8, 2023 · In New Zealand, Christianity is the most common religion with almost half (48 percent) of the population at the 2013 New Zealand Census declaring an affiliation. Jun 30, 1996 · Council in New Zealand. According to the 2017 census, 5. The 2022 figures are provisional. 5 per square mile) (June 2023 estimate). 000000; Density: persons per sq mi 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 No religion Christianity Hinduism Other religions, beliefs and philosophies Islam Buddhism Spiritualism and New Age religions Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies Judaism Religious affiliations in Wellington City, New Zealand 2023 Census, number of people Provider: Stats NZ The 2013 New Zealand census data gives 6,867 people identifying as having a Jewish religious affiliation, out of the total New Zealand population of 4. 6% (includes Judaism, Spiritualism and New Age The U. population, language and The population of New Zealand was counted as 4,699,755 – an increase of 457,707 (10. 6% of people identified as LGBTIQ+. (2009). Hinduism is the second-largest religion in New Zealand. The earthquake and aftershocks occurred between the 2009 and 2011 waves of a longitudinal probability sample conducted in New Zealand, enabling us to examine how a natural disaster of this magnitude affected deeply Feb 17, 2016 · New Zealand is one of the most secular countries in the world. Jun 18, 2024 · The biggest religion in New Zealand is Christianity, with 37. Religious Diversity in New Zealand: Statement on Religious Diversity. In 2020-2021, the HRC reported 45 enquiries and complaints on the grounds of religious belief, a decline from 53 incidents reported in 2019-2020. The Human Rights in New Zealand 2010: Nga Tika Tangata o Aotearoa 2010. 6% of the country's population and the Anglican Church whose members made up roughly 11. 9% of the population of New Zealand. Tan@Nzherald. What are some beliefs in New Zealand? New Zealand is home to Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, and a number of newer … Dec 9, 2019 · Very little research has been conducted on this topic in New Zealand, from which recent censuses indicate is an increasingly secular country. New Zealand. File as imported: Census: Religious affiliation (total responses) by age group and sex, for the census usually resident population count (RC, TALB, Health), 2013, 2018, and 2023 Censuses Dec 5, 2012 · On 22 February 2011, Christchurch New Zealand (population 367,700) experienced a devastating earthquake, causing extensive damage and killing one hundred and eighty-five people. Jun 30, 1996 · City in New Zealand. 6% of the population, up from 29% in 1991 and with "undeclared" accounting for 6. In the early 21st century, Asians were the fastest-growing demographic group. Missionaries such as Samuel Marsden then converted most Māori to Christianity, which remains the dominant religion in New Zealand to this day. This is an increase of 0. 2 percent are Roman Catholic, 7 percent Anglican, 5 percent Presbyterian, 10 percent other Christian denominations (including Maori syncretic religions such as Ratana and Ringatu), 2. Récupéré le 2 mai 2015. The population development in Wellington as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). The population development in Christchurch as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). By region, 2023 Census, % of people. 3 percent The 2013 New Zealand census was the thirty-third national census. 6%, or 2,576,049 people, in Le recensement néo-zélandais collecte des informations sur l'affiliation religieuse de la population depuis sa première édition en 1851. 17% of the population identified as Christian. Muslim Women, Dress Codes and Human Rights: An Introduction to Some of the Issues. 000000; Total area (sq mi) 102,587. More than half of New Zealand’s population now has no religion which one expert says is being driven by a shift in young people. [ 26 ] On 30 June 2023, the field collection phase of the 2023 census ended with an estimated 89–91% of the New Zealand population having participated. 2 percent) had no religion City in New Zealand. In New Zealand, just over half of the population at the 2006 New Zealand Census declared an allegiance to Christianity. 1%). This data can be used to inform government policies about religious diversity related to education, healthcare, and social services. 6% of the population identified as Buddhists, making it the third-largest religion in New Zealand behind Christianity and Hinduism. The islands of New Zealand are the presentday homeland of the Maori. Mar 7, 2025 · New Zealand - Maori, Polynesian, Pacific: Contemporary New Zealand has a majority of people of European origin, a significant minority of Māori, and smaller numbers of people from Pacific islands and Asia. Spiritualism and New Age religions: 0. Figures compiled, and chart and percentages prepared, by Todd Nachowitz, PhD. [1] Results from the 2018 census were released to the public on 23 September 2019, from the Statistics Immigration is making religion in New Zealand increasingly diverse even as more and more people are rejecting religious labels. 07% of the population. 7%), Next comes Roman Catholicism (6. 000000; Total area (sq km) 265,700. 88449836421% The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2022. 3% of the population identifying as Christian. New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific . Explanation: Population estimates for 2018 and later are based on the results of the 2018 census. Geographically, this country, which was declared a British colony in 1840 and became a dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations in 1907 , consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands . S. Welcome to our comprehensive exploration of the largest religion groups in New Zealand (Aotearoa) from 1600 to 2025! In this video, we delve into the rich ta 0 10 20 30 40 50 No religion Christianity Hinduism Other religions, beliefs and philosophies Islam Buddhism Spiritualism and New Age religions Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies Judaism Religious affiliations in Christchurch City, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, % of people Provider: Stats NZ 2018 2023 Irreligion in New Zealand refers to atheism, agnosticism, deism, religious scepticism and secular humanism in New Zealand society. Religious Diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand: Statement on Religious Diversity (2nd ed. Around six percent of the population affiliate with nonChristian religions, with Hinduism being the largest at over two percent, while 42 Hindu Religion in New Zealand The fastest growing religion in New Zealand, Hinduism constitutes almost three percent of the country’s total population. government estimates the total population at 5 million (midyear 2021). In addition, 9. The median age was Christianity is the predominant religion in New Zealand, although nearly 40 percent of the population has no religious affiliation. About 45% of their population is non-religion and 4% is not responsive. Statistics about religion are about religious affiliation in New Zealand. ). Unexpectedly, a huge number of New Zealanders assert to adopt no religion at all. However, roughly half of the New Zealand population do not identify as religious. 1%), and Sikhism (1. Statistics New Zealand released the second tranche of Census 2023 Jun 19, 2024 · The traditional religion of the Māori people, the indigenous population of New Zealand, differed little from the belief system in their Eastern Polynesian homeland, conceiving everything as connected by common descent through genealogy. He reported that the non-religious proportion of the New Zealand population had grown during the period, to the point where in 2006, 33% of people in New Zealand stated that they had “no religion. How Mar 15, 2002 · Religion in New Zealand Marissa Burgoyne (English 34 1993) New Zealand is nominally Christian, and three-fifths of the population adhere to the Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and Methodist denominations. The term "Maori" refers to a number of different tribal and subtribal groups that view themselves and each other as very distinct. 3%), Buddhism (1. Hoverd (2008) systematically documented the changes in religious affiliation in New Zealand census data from 1966 – 2006. 79%) over the 2013 census. 1 620 000 personnes (32%) s'identifient comme chrétiennes, les dénominations définies les plus Population 4,925,477 Population Growth Rate 0. The population development in Auckland as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). 2% of responses were sourced from forms submitted during previous censuses. Archivé de l'original le 13 avril 2020 . ) 5,136,000. Le dernier date de 2023. According to the 2018 census, Christianity is the largest religious group, with 37. The latest survey data indicate believers share of New Zealander population, has remained to 60. Jan 29, 2023 · It was first published in 2007 and endorsed by a wide range of faith communities, with a second edition following in 2009. Out of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s five million residents, the Māori community comprises approximately 900,000 people. The Maori population of Wellington is the 4th largest out of 16 New Zealand regions, and 10% of all Maori in the country live in the Wellington area. 81%, consider themselves religious. Christianity, the largest religious group, fell from 36. The 1961 Census figures show that close to half the population of Otago and Southland are Presbyterian, although not even a quarter of the total New Zealand population belongs to that denomination. Nelson City had a population of 52,584 in the 2023 New Zealand census, an increase of 1,704 people (3. (2007). 6 percent Hindu, 1. Sortable and downloadable New Zealand data. Sep 12, 2024 · In New Zealand, Christianity has played an integral role in shaping the country’s culture and history. [35] Jun 28, 2024 · New Zealand is considered a highly secular country, with religion not playing a major role in the lives of many of its population. 5% No religion; 37. 81%. If religion is not an important source of hope for dying, it is important to explore what factors do help relieve existential anxiety and to consider their clinical relevance. 000000; Population projection 2030 5,283,000. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state (represented by Governor-General, Lady Participation in religion may be dwindling overall, but the practice of faith remains a highly visible and active component of New Zealand society. At a national level, the data is used to track the values and belief systems The issue is designed to look at the contemporary landscape of Māori religiosity in Aotearoa New Zealand, in the three forms of institutional mainstream religious denominations; Māori-instigated ‘new religious movements’, which blend Christianity with pre-Christian beliefs and practices; and an eclectic range of secular-spiritual phenomena and practices that are influenced by Māori Oct 30, 2023 · New Zealand - Population Growth Drivers. 72 % (35,434 people) compared to population of 4,941,987 the year before. There are about 153,534 Hindus in New Zealand. 3%) since the 2018 census, and an increase of 6,147 people (13. Worshippers pray shoulder-to-shoulder at Baitul Muqeet, a mosque in Manukau, Auckland. Despite challenges of cultural exclusion and isolation, few voices promote a positive view of Muslim immigration in New Zealand. Roughly 18% of the Aotearoa/New Zealand population, the Māori are the most overrepresented group living in poverty, incarcerated in prison, and at risk of lower life expectancy. According to the 2018 census, the most commonly practiced religion in New Zealand is Christianity, with almost 38% of the population identifying as Christian. Ethnicity, culture, and identity statistics tell us about New Zealand’s increasingly diverse population and provide valuable insights into different groups in our society. The response rate from 2023 Census forms was 84. Aug 9, 2019 · Best-Country Religion in New Zealand was originally dominated by Māori religion prior to European colonization. [35] The vast majority of the population live on the main North and South Islands, with New Zealand's major inhabited smaller islands being Waiheke Island (9,420), the Chatham and Pitt Islands (730), and Stewart Island (381). "The National Census Day" used for the census was on Tuesday, 5 March 2013. 9 Demographics of New Zealand 2024. Oct 3, 2024 · New Zealand is known for its cultural diversity, and this extends to its religious beliefs. Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand after Christianity, with over 153,534 adherents according to the 2023 census, constituting 2. The Sikh Council of New Zealand works to promote understanding of the Sikh faith and culture in New Zealand. 1%, other religion 1. 7%) Is New Zealand protestant or Catholic? … The 2013 New Zealand census data gives 6,867 people identifying as having a Jewish religious affiliation, out of the total New Zealand population of 4. Baha’i Baha’i is the sixth-most practiced religion in New Zealand, with around 0. They also measure the importance people place on religion and spirituality. Nz @Lincolntannzh, Lincoln Tan Lincoln Tan est le Diversity du New Zealand Herald (octobre 2012). Population of New Zealand: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Le New Zealand Herald. 000000; Population rank (2025) 126. 3700328494225%: 2018: Buddhism: 1. Feb 25, 2024 · New Zealand is a largely secular country, meaning that it has no official state religion and a significant portion of the population does not identify with any particular faith. Minor Protestant sects, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish congregations and Maori adaptations of Christianity make up the rest. Statistics New Zealand released the second tranche of Census 2023 data yesterday. 5 million. Jun 30, 1996 · The resident population of the District and City Council Areas of New Zealand according to official estimates. Jun 1, 2021 · Christianity is the main religion in New Zealand and its followed by 37. This map shows current New Zealand Population Density by regions. Since 1996 till 2013 the percentage of Christianity has drop 19. These Jan 2, 2024 · The majority of New Zealand’s Sikh population is of Punjabi descent. 2 Unlike in some other secular Western-speaking cultures, there is a lack of common public religious rhetoric (such as ‘God bless America’) that connects the New Zealand national identity with Christianity. Among the Christians, Anglicanism is the largest denomination at (6. There were 25,620 males, 26,712 females and 255 people of other genders in 20,967 dwellings. 5%), Māori religion (1. Almost as many people declare no religion at all, and even of those who say they are Christian, only about 15% actually go to church. 8% of the population. Jun 30, 1996 · St Lukes (Statististical Area, Auckland, New Zealand) with population statistics, charts, map and location Other religion: 87: No religion: 1,035: Country of Sep 28, 2024 · The Muslim population in New Zealand is the fastest-growing religious group, with 61% under the age of 15. In the 2001 census, about 30% of the populace did not declare any religious commitment. 5% of the New Zealand population identified as Hindus. Oct 20, 2023 · New Zealand is often viewed as an irreligious country, and many people are unaware of the presence of a large Christian population there. Wellington Population Demographics. As to Christianity has not change, the previous survey recorded 54. Although New Zealand has no established religion, Christianity had been the May 29, 2018 · As of 1997, the Maori of New Zealand numbered close to 525,000 people, or about 15 percent of New Zealand's total population. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps to tell the story of its social and economic change. Victoria University of Wellington associate professor of religious studies Geoff Troughton joins Emile Donovan to discuss. The 2018 New Zealand census, which took place on Tuesday 6 March 2018, was the thirty-fourth national census in New Zealand. The population of New Zealand was counted as 4,242,048 – an increase of 214,101 or 5. Maps, charts and statistics of New Zealand ethnic people groups, languages and religions. Among the Christian denominations, Anglican is the largest religious affiliation in the country, followed by “Christian not further defined” and Roman Catholic. 6%) Christianity (37. Other major religions include Hinduism (2. Instead, there is a cultural tendency to maintain a Christianity is the New Zealander's top religion, around 54. In December 2021, New Zealand deemed religious gatherings during the COVID 19 pandemic as “high risk” and limited such gatherings to 100 vaccinated people or 25 unvaccinated people. . 1 million (midyear 2023). 4%. 07% of the population Jan 1, 2011 · The official 2018 census results saw a growth in "no religion" to 48. 3%) Hinduism (2. Men and women pray in separate spaces. Sep 18, 2021 · note: based on the 2018 census of the usually resident population; percentages add up to more than 100% because respondents were able to identify more than one religion Definition: This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. [1] NEW ZEALAND 2021 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Executive Summary The unwritten constitution, comprised of several basic laws, provides the right to manifest religion or belief in worship, observance, practice, or teaching, either individually or in community with others, and either in public or in private. government estimates the total population at 5. Dec 6, 2023 · Geography - note. Total New Zealand population density: ~14. In New Zealand, census reporting on religion has occurred since 1851, the year of the first census. New Zealand is now the 15th most religiously diverse country in the world, sitting between Malaysia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 No religion Christianity Hinduism Islam Other religions, beliefs and philosophies Buddhism Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies Spiritualism and New Age religions Judaism Religious affiliations in the Auckland Region, New Zealand 2023 Census, number of people Provider: Stats NZ Official languages English; Māori; New Zealand Sign Language 1; Official religion none; Monetary unit New Zealand dollar (NZ$) Population (2025 est. Christianity remains New Zealand's largest religious group, According to the 2018 census 38. 2% of the population in 2018 to 51. 3 percent New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; The 2018 Census results showed almost half the population (48. 7%). 0% of the population. Mar 16, 2024 · New Zealand is a country with a diverse population and religious landscape. (2005). 5 per square kilometre (50. 6 people per sq. According to the 2023 census, Hindus form 2. Other major religions in New Zealand include Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Sikhism. [1] Jun 22, 2024 · What is the main religion in New Zealand? Christianity is the main religion in New Zealand, with 38% of the population identifying themselves as Christians. 3 percent Sep 18, 2021 · All Population Centers; Location of New Zealand, including outlying islands, Religion (2018) 48. Religion in New Zealand Marissa Burgoyne (English 34 1993) New Zealand is nominally Christian, and three-fifths of the population adhere to the Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and Methodist denominations. New Zealand was one of the last sizable land areas suitable for habitation to be populated by human beings. [43] The number of Hindus in New Zealand grew modestly after the 1990s when the immigration laws were changed. Hinduism. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. 200000 Population in Major Urban Areas Auckland 1. Import & extraction details. Majority of New Zealanders, 60. Total population Religious 7 6 5 4 How you use it: New Zealand population categorized by religious affiliation provides a snapshot of the religious landscape in New Zealand and improves understanding of regional cultural distinctions. The Jan 20, 2025 · The U. Mailing List - See more. note 1: consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands; South Island, the larger main island, is the 12th largest island in the world and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps; North Island is the 14th largest island in the world and is not as mountainous, but it is marked by volcanism note 2: New Zealand lies along the Ring of Fire, a belt of active Update to date information about population of New Zealand in 2025. The proportion of people with “no religion” has increased from 48. 5% of the population in 2018 to 32. ” The U. Sur un total de 4 993 923 réponses, 2 576 049 personnes indiquent ne pas avoir de religion, soit 51,5% de la population. The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. This third edition reflects the changes in our religious demography during the last decade. Oct 30, 2024 · According to 2023 census data, over half of the New Zealand population report having no religious affiliation. Contents: Population. Co. Note: % | forecast after 2023 1. 3% of the population identified as Christian, making up just over 77. Apr 2, 2019 · Some of the Christian denominations with the most significant number of adherents in New Zealand include the Roman Catholic Church whose members made up approximately 12. 85% Urban Population 86. Before European colonisation the religion of the indigenous Māori population was animistic, but the subsequent efforts of missionaries such as Samuel Marsden Summary of Religious Diversity in New Zealand (2018 Census) Raw data (numbers) provided by Stats New Zealand (23 Sep 2019). 0% Christianity; Jun 19, 2024 · The principal religion in New Zealand is Christianity, with 38% of the population identifying themselves as Christians. [45] 3. Oct 4, 2024 · More than half of New Zealand’s population now has no religion, which one expert says is being driven by a shift in young people. However, regular church attendance is probably closer to 15%. « Les religions chrétiennes perdent face aux autres religions ». 2% of the population identifying as Baha’i. 7% of the population (Stats NZ Tatauranga The 2011 census found that 3. 5% of religious people in New Zealand. The 2018 Faith and Belief in New Zealand report, commissioned by Wilberforce Foundation, explores attitudes towards religion, spirituality and Christianity in New Zealand. In fact, Christianity is the largest religion in New Zealand, with nearly half of the population identifying as Christian. The country comprises two main islands—the North and South islands—and a number of small islands, some of them hundreds of miles from the main group. New Zealand's population density is relatively low, at 19. 5% of responses were imputed. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, religion, country of birth, ethnic group). 9%), Islam (1. Post-war New Zealand has become a highly secular country, meaning that religion does not play a major role in the lives of most people. 2%) since the 2013 census. 9% of the New Zealand population. In the 2023 census 32. 3%. Apr 3, 2024 · According to the 2018 Census in New Zealand,around 315 thousand people in the country reported to follow the Anglican denomination of the Christian religion. What are the top 3 religions in New Zealand? The top three religions in New Zealand are: No religion (48. 3%, Buddhist 1. PopulationPyramid. Jun 30, 1996 · Source: Statistics New Zealand / Te Tari Tatau (web). After the Immigration Act of 1987 came into force, migration to New Zealand steadily increased, especially from Asian countries like India. It is also one of the fastest-growing religions in the country. 2 • LOCATION. As of 2013, (the date of the most recent census at time of writing,) less than half the population identifies as Christian, when just a few years ago Christians were the majority. The remaining 6. [2] The population of New Zealand was counted as 4,699,755 – an increase of 457,707 (10. km Total New Zealand population: 4,027,947 1 day ago · New Zealand, island country in the South Pacific Ocean, the southwesternmost part of Polynesia. Wellington has a sizable Maori ethnic population with about 55,500 Maori living in Wellington, up more than 8% from 2001. 3%), and Presbyterianism (4. Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand. eiwdicmbmkpecanrwppoibntxoozznbinebofsnyrncviqmhsuhuseeyggilshubfesjzegemywvhozypp
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